Even if you feel fine, always allow time to verify that indeed you are healthy? Seeing your doctor regularly is important.
It’s about living well. Regular health screenings can minimize the risk of serious illness. If it’s difficult for you to make healthful choices concerning your diet, exercise, tobacco use, or other health issues, your doctor can provide information and if needed; treatment options to help you minimize the risk of illness. If illness occurs, regular screenings can mean an early diagnosis, when treatments are most effective.
Recommended preventive visits for adults:
- Men: age 19 to 64 should see their healthcare provider every five years
- Women: age 19 to 64, the recommendation is every three to five years
At age 65 and older, men and women should see their doctor every one or two years.
Checkup checklist:
- Whether you call it a checkup or preventive screening, your healthcare provider will cover the basics:
- Measure your height and weight
- Blood pressure
- Blood test for cholesterol (cholesterol checks are recommended every five years beginning at age 44 for women and 34 for men)
- Cancer screenings
- Assess and discuss your health risks
-Blue Cross Blue Shield. A Guide to Preventive Health Care. December, 2004